Australian Resume Format Sample

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So, you want to write an Australian CV, mate? Well, let me tell you, it's not as easy as throwing some shrimp on the barbie. You have to make sure you have all the right information, and that you present it in a way that's going to make the Aussies say, "Yeah, this bloke knows what he's doing."

First things first, you gotta have a catchy title. None of that "Resume" business. No, no, no. You need something that's going to pop, like "My Bonzer CV" or "The Best Damn CV You'll Ever See." Trust me, the Aussies love a good bit of slang.

Now, onto the content. You need to make sure you include all the important details, like your contact information, work experience, and education. But don't just list them out like a robot. Use some Aussie humor and personality to make yourself stand out.

And speaking of personality, make sure you let your true self shine through in your CV. The Aussies love a good sense of humor, so don't be afraid to crack a joke or two. Just make sure they're appropriate for the workplace!

Finally, when it comes to formatting, keep it simple and clean. No crazy colors or fonts. Just stick to the basics, and you'll be gold.

So there you have it, mate. A quick guide to writing an Australian CV that's sure to impress. Now go out there and show 'em what you've got!

Australian resume format sample

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